As you know, Venezuela will be liberated of the sexist, classist, for profit RCTV exploiters on the 27th, after they've spent 50 years indoctrinating the people. It took the Shining Path of Bolivarianist Socialism to drive a stake through their heart!
Anyway, counterrevolutionaries are sure to seize this moment to spread horrible lies about Comandante Chavez, so we have to be ready. The Venezuelan Embassy in D.C., acting through its Bolivarian Socialist public relations arm, the Venezuela Information Office, VIO, is prepared
to challenge all the liars who will try to misrepresent the glorious liberation of bandwidth as a crackdown of free speech -as if!!
Support our newest padrinos as they spread Bolivarianism against White European Patriarchal Counterrevolutionaries.!! Your Cyber Bolivarian Circle needs your activism!
- Dan Hellinger, Professor Of Political Science, Webster University
- Charles Hardy, author and former Catholic priest ( I know, gross!)
- Steve Elner, Professor of Economic History, Universidad De Oriente
(be nice you guys- they can't all be studs like El Comandante11) - Mark Weisbrot, Co-Director, Cente For Economic & Policy CEPR
Yeah, I know, they're all pasty white American men, but we do have - Megan Morrisey (Yay!Smiths shout out!)Media Analyst Venezuela Information Office
(202)347-8081 ext. 602
And she's a Georgetown girl who learned her Bolivarianism! Check it out, she spent A WHOLE WEEK in the Promised Land! AWESOME! She addresses the shocking indoctrination of the lackeys who colluded in the American exploitation in Venezuela, and their fear now that the Comandante has finally empowered the poor: "In Ciudad Guayana, I spent about one week examining the records of the Venezuelan development agency...My fieldwork in Ciudad Guayana consisted of about 50 interviews with people I met while in the city - at the development agency and cultural organizations, and through a generous couple with ties to the local aluminum industry who hosted me at their home. In my effort to understand the origins of inequality in Ciudad Guayana, I also spoke with residents of the city who were presently employed in the local industries, and others who had been employed by U.S. Steel when it began exporting minerals from the area in the early 1950s. These interviews, with elderly and mostly foreign-born individuals, were some of the most fruitful. They recalled vividly the American encampments that preceded nearly all other development in what is not a city of about one million people. The ex-employees of U.S. Steel idealized the era of the American enclaves, emphasizing the fact that these were the nicest parts of the then small city of Puerto Ordaz. The company was the benevolent steward of its 3 camps, and residents had only to look across to the ramshackle "ranchos" of El Castillito to perceive their privilege. The homes in the camps were sold off when the steel industry was nationalized in the mid-1970s, but are still well preserved today. As it did in the 1950s, Camp C still houses the economic elite of Ciudad Guayana. The middle-aged residents I interviewed emphasized that Ciudad Guayana has been transformed from a rural backwater into an important, even cosmopolitan city. The fact that Ciudad Guayana was planned is a point of local pride, and most people speak favorably about the results, though they feel that more work is needed. Informal settlements are still emerging. These low income communities are associated with a rise in crime. At this point in my research, it is not clear whether the increased crime is real or perceived, though most people I spoke to had had some experience of crime. In large part because of patterns in foreign economic and demographic influences, inequalities have always been apparent in Ciudad Guayana. Though they are likely more exaggerated than before I found that the increasing visibility and political empowerment of the poor have begun to inspire a certain anxiety in those who have traditionally controlled most of Ciudad Guayana's resources. Municipal elections took place during my visit (on August 6th), and voting was clearly taking place along class lines - the middle- and upper-classes tended not to vote at all. However, I do not predict a dramatic shift in the balance of power in the now significantly-sized Ciudad Guayana. Instead, I suspect that Ciudad Guayana's class issues reflect larger trends in Venezuelan society.
Give our sister Bolivarian a shout-out, and tell her to keep up the good work as she helps shut down the awful RCTV!!!
Your blog is getting better and better "grrrrl"l!
Have you have any membership of Swedish cuckoo call elliv? I can see you two as best friends!
First of all, to answer the email: no Prof. Ellner is NOT embalmed, he just clearly has done away wish counterrevolutionary bourgouis concepts like vanity and moisturizer and suntans. But he's not embalmed. I think...
Swedish Bolivarianas? Super!! Does she have an employee discount for H&M??
Right, I checked her blog? And, um, I think it's better that she manage her Cyber circle over there and doesn't try to rush-- duplicate efforts with our Bolivarian collective. There is a place for all of us in Comandante's vision. But everyone has to know their place. And furry
European girls---well, you know. Maybe you can introduce her to Mr. Burns---I mean,Prof. Ellner?
Have a Super Bolivarian Day!! :>
We need more Anti-Patriarchal bolivarian cyber forums. Will be reading with interest.
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